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Showing posts from December, 2021

The CRISPR Gene Editing Technology

The science behind human body is amazing. Some people are healthy while others are weak, some are tall while others short. Every human being has different characteristics specific to them for example like unique type of face, even though all humans have same parts which are two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth but they still differ too much with their faces. This is fascinating .  A human body is the best machine in the world by far. No artificial machine is as good as the biological one.  Yet it is too complex.  Many of the characteristics of human being are encoded in our Genes like height, IQ etc. Usually these Genes come from our parents and cannot be altered. But research and studies in the past have shown that genes can be altered. So what does it mean? How it will affect us? What does it mean to the future of humanity? And how can we achieve it? Let's try to figure out all the questions mentioned above. What is gene editing? It is clear from word itself, making changes in