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Showing posts from June, 2023

Rethinking Reality

If you're asked to distinguish between what is real and unreal, what would your answer be? Well, if you're not a philosopher, psychologist or scientist, the answer would be, things that can be directly perceived through the senses and experienced in the world around you. This includes physical objects, people and events that can be seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled. But is it actually the case? Is what we think real actually real? Does what we feel is real? There is no doubt that the physical world which we perceive around ourselves is real, unless you don't suffer from Schizophrenia or any brain related abnormalities. But there is a tradeoff in that. We tend to believe that objects in our physical world possess the property of colors, but that's not true. The physical objects themselves don't have colors, they just reflect light with certain wavelengths and our eyes and brains generate the colors. Well, I think now you might be surprised and in a doubt that,