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Showing posts from August, 2023

Understand desires

Desire is the feeling of "want". Everyone has desires! If you're thirsty then you need water, that's a desire. Human lives without it is not possible. We have all sorts of desires... that includes desire to drink water, career goals, relationship goals and all others. Image by  Alexis Fauvet  on  Unsplash The desires can be grouped into two, i.e. the desires we define for ourselves and the desires which are sort of "default-ish" like desire to eat when hungry, to drink water when thirsty, to seek happiness etc. These default-ish desires come subconsciously in our minds without giving much thought. But the other one which we define for ourselves obviously depends on us. We create those desires for ourselves. Desires like aspiring to become an astronaut when grown up, to own a lamborghini, to work hard and earn money instead of hanging out and wasting time...  are examples of self-made desires. But... are desires bad for us? Should we limit them or should we n