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Showing posts from November, 2023

Is Time Travel Research a Good Idea?

Time is a continuous flow. The moment right now becomes "past" just the next moment and the coming moment is the "future". But do the "past" and "future" really exist? You live in your present, you do everything right now. All you experience is the present, not the past or future. So think once again, does the "past" or "future" exist or is it just illusion? What exactly are they? Is it just some terminologies which humans invented to talk about time and refer to the events occurring in time? Is their no past, present or future? Is all their is just a flow and nothing else?  Image by Veri Ivanova on Unsplash An egg dropped from a height falls and breaks. Now it's not possible for it to go back and restructure itself. It's just a sequence of events that happened. So now I want to come to the question, is time travel possible? What does it mean to time travel? If I ask you to move forward or backward or stand still in s