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Control or Chaos: Exploring the Intersection of Luck, Fate and Free Will

Imagine someone opens up a startup, he worked really hard to create a product considering the customer's needs. But despite all the hard work, his company can't sell much of the product, nor was it able to persuade any investors for the startup. The founder invested all of his money and got bankrupt, so he had no option but to shut down the company. Now the question is, was it the founder's luck or simply the result of his own decisions and actions that the company failed? While people can go on forever to debate on this, it's a very complex and conflicting question. In order to answer this question, let's first tackle the question, "What is luck?" Is it some kind of force or magic or something else? What do "YOU" think it is? We use this terminology luck every now and then. When something works in our favor, we say it's good luck and when something does not work in our favor, we say it's bad luck. Luck is a concept with a long history. R

Is Time Travel Research a Good Idea?

Time is a continuous flow. The moment right now becomes "past" just the next moment and the coming moment is the "future". But do the "past" and "future" really exist? You live in your present, you do everything right now. All you experience is the present, not the past or future. So think once again, does the "past" or "future" exist or is it just illusion? What exactly are they? Is it just some terminologies which humans invented to talk about time and refer to the events occurring in time? Is their no past, present or future? Is all their is just a flow and nothing else?  Image by Veri Ivanova on Unsplash An egg dropped from a height falls and breaks. Now it's not possible for it to go back and restructure itself. It's just a sequence of events that happened. So now I want to come to the question, is time travel possible? What does it mean to time travel? If I ask you to move forward or backward or stand still in s

Understand desires

Desire is the feeling of "want". Everyone has desires! If you're thirsty then you need water, that's a desire. Human lives without it is not possible. We have all sorts of desires... that includes desire to drink water, career goals, relationship goals and all others. Image by  Alexis Fauvet  on  Unsplash The desires can be grouped into two, i.e. the desires we define for ourselves and the desires which are sort of "default-ish" like desire to eat when hungry, to drink water when thirsty, to seek happiness etc. These default-ish desires come subconsciously in our minds without giving much thought. But the other one which we define for ourselves obviously depends on us. We create those desires for ourselves. Desires like aspiring to become an astronaut when grown up, to own a lamborghini, to work hard and earn money instead of hanging out and wasting time...  are examples of self-made desires. But... are desires bad for us? Should we limit them or should we n

Rethinking Reality

If you're asked to distinguish between what is real and unreal, what would your answer be? Well, if you're not a philosopher, psychologist or scientist, the answer would be, things that can be directly perceived through the senses and experienced in the world around you. This includes physical objects, people and events that can be seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled. But is it actually the case? Is what we think real actually real? Does what we feel is real? There is no doubt that the physical world which we perceive around ourselves is real, unless you don't suffer from Schizophrenia or any brain related abnormalities. But there is a tradeoff in that. We tend to believe that objects in our physical world possess the property of colors, but that's not true. The physical objects themselves don't have colors, they just reflect light with certain wavelengths and our eyes and brains generate the colors. Well, I think now you might be surprised and in a doubt that,

Our Curiosity

Curiousness, it's that thing which has been there in the humans. The curiosity to know, to find out what's out there. It's that thing which drives innovations and revolutions. All the great scientists and researchers were curious, that's how they became legends and that is how they changed the world. This innate ability of being curious lets humans seek answers to things. Things which are unsolved and hidden. Also it empowers us to uncover better solutions to the problems that have already been tackled. No doubt curiosity is an inborn ability in humans ever since we were born. Ever came up with kids who ask lots of annoying questions? I'm sure you have, because they are new to the world and that is how they learn, discover and develop. Curiosity is that key thing which makes kids learn and adapt to the world. A world about which they had no prior experience, I mean it's crazy if we actually think for a moment about how they understand about the world. While it&#

Will AI take human jobs?

Image by kiquebg  on  Pixabay Artificial Intelligence is one of the hottest topic in this decade, there hardly might be anyone who does not know about it. Its craze is everywhere and why it should not be, since it has been advancing rapidly, capabilities to push boundaries of what was previously thought to be possible with technology and having the potential to change the way how we interact with machines. Its capabilities are getting recognized in every field whether it is academic research, engineering, law, industrial labor or any other. Therefore, with  such capabilities and power, it rises some of the big questions like Will AI take human jobs? Will it make humans unworthy? Last year, DALL E 2 , developed by the AI startup, OpenAI had the potential to generate art based on desired human prompts. This raised fear among the artists for their job. Deepmind, an AI company situated in London developed it's coding program, AlphaCode , which was able to compete and win against arou

The CRISPR Gene Editing Technology

The science behind human body is amazing. Some people are healthy while others are weak, some are tall while others short. Every human being has different characteristics specific to them for example like unique type of face, even though all humans have same parts which are two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth but they still differ too much with their faces. This is fascinating .  A human body is the best machine in the world by far. No artificial machine is as good as the biological one.  Yet it is too complex.  Many of the characteristics of human being are encoded in our Genes like height, IQ etc. Usually these Genes come from our parents and cannot be altered. But research and studies in the past have shown that genes can be altered. So what does it mean? How it will affect us? What does it mean to the future of humanity? And how can we achieve it? Let's try to figure out all the questions mentioned above. What is gene editing? It is clear from word itself, making changes in