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Our Curiosity

Curiousness, it's that thing which has been there in the humans. The curiosity to know, to find out what's out there. It's that thing which drives innovations and revolutions. All the great scientists and researchers were curious, that's how they became legends and that is how they changed the world. This innate ability of being curious lets humans seek answers to things. Things which are unsolved and hidden. Also it empowers us to uncover better solutions to the problems that have already been tackled.

No doubt curiosity is an inborn ability in humans ever since we were born. Ever came up with kids who ask lots of annoying questions? I'm sure you have, because they are new to the world and that is how they learn, discover and develop.

Curiosity is that key thing which makes kids learn and adapt to the world. A world about which they had no prior experience, I mean it's crazy if we actually think for a moment about how they understand about the world. While it's true that development and learning begin during infancy, through observation of environment, curiousness within them as they grow up takes their development to greater heights. And without curiosity at age of infancy I don't think humans could develop much.

So curiosity is a necessity for development of an individual. Kids aren't the only one who are good at curiosity, humans of every age group can possess high level of curiosity within them. Point is when we grow up, we can choose to be curious about something or not by mumbling phrases such as "I don't care", "I don't give a damn" etc. I'm certain that a similar sense of curiosity lies within you. Consider, for instance, the excitement that accompanies starting a new school or college. You may find yourself wondering, "What will this experience be like?" or "What sort of individual will I encounter?"

Curiosity opens up new avenues for exploration. That is how things got explored, that is how why we are here standing in the initial years of the AI revolution. Humans' curiosity totally changed the world from stone age to where we're now. It made our lives easier and efficient.

Curiosity at individual level can make our lives easier as when we are curious, we get into sort of default mode of learning. We learn and gain skills without less struggle since we get enthusiastic about learning and seeking answers.

How far can we go? Are there any consequences? Are we going to continuously develop and innovate without any halt in the future? Can our curiosity lead to something unwanted? Are there any consequences? Obviously we don't want humans to get curious on how to rob a bank and explore new ideas to do it. We don't want researchers and scientists get carried away due to their curiosity and end up making bio-weapons. Curiosity drove Pandora to open the box despite being warned of its pernicious contents. Does it mean that curiosity can lead us to acts with consequences?

Humans' curiosity made this world, a world at the threat of climate change, world with health risks in individuals and a world with extinct animals. Would you consider these the consequences of curiosity which ultimately has lead to such change? How far can our curiosity lead us and where? The best option we have is to be curious as we're born to be but lookout for the consequences.
