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Can Machines Think?

There is a question which is in mind of the Computer Scientists, Developers, Engineers, Technologists etc. which is out there and the question is Can Machines Think? As we all know that machines are so dumb, they need to be told everything in order to take actions. Imagine if these machines start to think on their own and start taking actions without asking our help.

Why do we need machines to think?

Many of you will have the question in mind that why do we need machines to think? Humans are beings which are not perfect, they make mistakes! For example, if you're given a document of 200-300 pages and asked to correct all of the grammatical mistakes which are in the document. It will take huge amount of time like weeks and also there are huge amount of chances that you'll not be able to correct all of the mistakes. 

Another example is if you're given a document of 200-300 pages which is in Spanish Language and you're asked to write all of these in English. Again this will take a huge amount of time and also you will not be able to convert the document into a precise way whereas programs like Google Translate can do this in just a few seconds and in precise and efficient way whether its a word, paragraph, page or a book.

Medication is another application of thinking machines. Some of the severe diseases like Cancer, Parkinson's etc. which WERE impossible to cure can be cured with the help of thinking machines. Impossible can be possible! Persons with disabilities need tools to help them live and communicate with others. In this scenario, thinking machines can help these people a lot but we humans can't.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are the thinking machine terminologies) programs are helping doctors in Hospitals to detect faults in eyes which humans can never do on their own. There are a lot more applications in medication only of thinking machines. Artificial Intelligence is very helpful in curing diseases and doctors and patients need it.

Pay attention how our lives get easier with use of Google Assistant/Siri/Amazon Alexa, Cortana etc. We can do much more with the help of these in less amount of time.

No doubt machines are better than humans. The thing is that they are dumb, they need to be told each and everything which has to be done by them .If we can give some control to machines over the world, the world could be a better place to live without any mistakes.

In conclusion, there is a need of machines to be able to think on their own for the betterment of the world. Hence, some field of Computer Science gets introduced which are Artificial Intelligence(AI), Machine Learning(ML), Computer Vision etc.

How far are we?

As companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Boston Dynamics etc. continue research in the field of AI, ML, etc. we just need to wait. Maybe not in 2021 but in future. Maybe in future we would be able to see an Artificially Intelligent Human just like us which will be able to walk, work, help, solve problems etc.

AI is already here with us in our phones. Many of the apps/programs/softwares have AI and ML in them. Google Lens, a machine learning app used to identify substances around us is really useful. AI will be there much sooner than we think!
